Are you taking care of your teeth between dental appointments?

As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and nowhere is that truer than when it comes to caring for your teeth.

It’s important to adopt some preventive dentistry habits if you want to keep your smile looking great. It can be a lot easier and cheaper to take care of your teeth in the first place instead of investing money on corrective procedures down the road.

You may not realize some of the ways you may affect the health of your teeth or the teeth of your children in your day-to-day life. Believe it or not, a few habits and routines can make a big difference.

If you’re serious about taking care of your teeth, then the 7 preventive dentistry habits below may be just what you’re looking for.

1. At Home Routines

While this should go without saying, many dental patients fail to keep a strong and reliable home routine when it comes to teeth care. Most people can improve their routine in some ways.

It’s important to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, ideally right after meals. You may also want to use a mouthwash regularly as well.

These techniques can go a long way in eliminating plaque build-up. If not eliminated promptly, plaque can build up and lead to tartar. Tartar is a hardened, sticky substance that can lead to more serious damage such as tooth decay and gum disease.

By brushing and flossing regularly you will be more likely to avoid unnecessary teeth problems later on down the road. Having good daily cleaning routines and habits at home is one of the best types of preventive dentistry to consider if you want to make a big impact on your dental health.

2. Fluoride

Fluoride is one of the major players in the fight against tooth decay. It can be a great idea to use it regularly when attempting to protect your teeth.

Dental offices use fluoride regularly when patients come in for dental work, but many products exist that have active fluoride as an ingredient.

If you want to add fluoride into your routine, look for a toothpaste or mouth rinse that contains active fluoride. Public water in many areas also contain fluoride, meaning you have easy access to this healthy ingredient whenever you need it.

3. Diet and Sugar and Carbs

If you’re serious about your dental health, it is also important to consider what you and your family eat.

A diet high in sugar and carbs can be a quick path to tooth decay. Sugars and other carbs help to feed the bacteria that causes plaque. If you have kids, you may want to try to find healthy snacks for them to eat instead of snacks high in sugar.

It is also important that you get enough calcium in your diet. A diet that is low in calcium can lead to the development of gum problems, periodontal disease, and even jaw deterioration.

4. Mouth Guards

If you or your child plays sports or participates in outdoor activities, it is important that you protect their teeth from harm. An excellent preventive dentistry habit to implement is to wear a mouth guard during sports.

While it may seem unlikely that teeth will get knocked out while playing a sport, it is a real possibility.

A mouth guard can also help protect against teeth grinding, or bruxism. Bruxism can contribute to wearing your teeth down and can lead to temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJ Syndrome.

5. Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental visits will help to ensure that your teeth last a long time and are kept as healthy as possible. A regular cleaning can help to prevent problems.

A visit every 6 months is highly recommended. If you haven’t visited the dentist in years it is especially important to get back to the dentist and get your teeth checked out.

While you can do a lot for your teeth at home, a professional can help remove dental plaque and stains that you wouldn’t be able to remove on your own. During a visit, dentists will also be able to check for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other issues.

6. Smoking

While many people have this bad habit, smoking can really lead to problems for your teeth and overall health. Believe it or not, if you’re a smoker you are twice as likely to develop gum disease.

Smoking and chewing tobacco can contribute to many oral health problems including plaque buildup, tooth discoloration, and dry mouth. Gum disease, tooth loss, and even oral cancer can also appear as a result of smoking.

If you’re serious about your oral health, it’s important to draw back on smoking or eliminate the habit completely. At the very least, be sure to pay special attention to all of your other teeth care habits.

7. Orthodontics

Orthodontics is one of the best methods of preventive dentistry. By having an orthodontist correct problems and use preventive measures, you or your children can protect your teeth from unnecessary problems.

Orthodontic procedures can include correcting crooked and misaligned teeth. Using dental braces or clear teeth aligners such as Invisalign (invisible braces) can be two great ways to correct problems.

Crooked teeth can be harder to clean than a properly-formed set of teeth. It is important to do what you can to prevent problems and unnecessary headaches down the road.

Final Thoughts on Preventive Dentistry

By now you should have an idea about the best preventive dentistry habits that will help you protect your teeth. All it takes is a few smart habits to increase your oral health and make sure your teeth stay in good shape. Protecting your teeth now will also help prevent the need for costly repairs in the long run.

By being smart and taking these ideas into consideration, you’ll have a great shot at maintaining your teeth and making sure they’re in the best shape possible in the years to come.

Interested in learning more about what Dentrix Dental Care can do for you? Contact us today to learn more and to set up and appointment.